Account Number*Your Name*(Title, First Name, Last Name) Date of Birth* DD slash MM slash YYYY (DD/MM/YYYY) Please provide us with a brief description of your change in circumstances*How many months would you like to take as a holiday*123(Between 1 and 3 months) From the start of which month would you like the payment holiday to commence?*JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember(If your next payment is due in the next 14 days we may not be able to amend this payment, we will confirm this to you)Email Address for confirmation* Enter Email Confirm Email (We will send a confirmation of your new payments to this address)Contact Telephone Number*(If there are any issues with processing your request we will contact you on this number. Please provide the number it will be easiest to contact you on – for most people this will be a mobile) Δ